iPhone Objective C Programming

APNS error – No Valid aps-environment entitlement

If you get the following error when trying to register for a device token, firstly ensure you have correctly followed the directions within the iPhone Developers Portal.

Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain "no valid 'aps-environment' entitlement string found for application"
iPhone Objective C Programming

APNS Send Device Token to Provider

I am currently in the middle of designing and developing an application based on the Apple Push Notification Service. There is alot of information about the client side registration and plenty of server side code examples, but I haven’t found anything that simple demonstrates how to send your device token to the provider service.

iPhone Nagios Programming

iPhone Development

For some strange, but unknown reason I decided to purchase a Mac Mini to try some iPhone Development. I have a few apps that I would like on my iPhone that are currently not available.

My first app will be for a Nagios Pager service that will utilise the Push Notification features just released in iPhone OS 3.0. There will be two versions, Nagios Pager and Nagios Pager Pro. Nagios Pager will be a stand alone application that will talk to a backend service for delivering Push Notifications for Nagios alerts, Nagios Pager Pro will contain all the features of Nagios Pager as well as an iPhone based Nagios client.